Cindy Sheehan: Confessed Murderer?

Miss Media Whore has wiggled her way back into the headlines with her proclamation that she fantasized of going back in time and committing murder to an innocent infant. A baby, who has done no wrong in life. All babies are the essence of innocence, the best any of us can ever dream of being. We want no more than what we need when we are infants, yet she wanted to go back and kill one. That one baby. . . George W. Bush. That is stupid to say, I don’t care who you are. You don’t talk about killing babies. . . unless you’re pro-abortion I guess. . .
She says that if Bush didn't live, we wouldn't have gone to Iraq and her son would be alive.
We would be in Iraq, just like we will be in Iran. If we don't take this war to them, they will gladly bring to war to us like they did on 9/11. We have found more evidence than you can shake a stick at that Iraq was funding terrorist who attacked America, and were planning on attacking America. We also have found weapons of mass destruction like nerve gas, and mustard gas. It was only a matter of time before we put a stop to it, if it wasn't Bush it would have been another.
Since the Media Whore can say she would LOVE to kill the President (something stupid to say no matter who you vote for), I'll say this:
I'd like to walk up to Media Whore and punch her in the face. Since she is a peace loving individual, will she say 'I'm sorry I made you hit me. I deserved it.'? Nope. What if 'Bob' paid me $20 to go over and punch her in the face? What if I gave her a bloody nose, would she wipe it away, hug me and say 'Can't we just get along?' What if I told her that I wasn't going to stop hitting her until she died, would she let me hit her? No, she would stop me, and then go after Bob for paying me to hit her.
In this analogy, the Whore represents the America she thinks she wants, a passive America that doesn't defend itself. I, being the violent one, represented terrorists and Bob was Iraq.
This is the world we live in, where stupidity is not only tolerated, but it's downright encouraged.
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