Sally Lieber: Moron of the Year. . . so far

Against the law to spank your own kid? C’mon. Now, I know the difference between child abuse and discipline, but apparently Sally does not.
Sally thinks kids would be better off to have their father (usually the disciplinary giver) sent off to jail for a year, (and fined $1,000) therefore losing his job and gaining a criminal record, mom can’t afford the house, so they have to sell and move to a smaller house, maybe an apartment, mom’s got to go get a job now, ‘cause dad’s in the clink, kid’s now being raised by a baby sitter with no father figure for a full year.
Or, said kid could have a sore tush for about two minutes.
Why is Sally doing this? For the children.
Oh, by the way, Sally Lieber doesn’t even have children.
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