Babs Boxer's a moron. . . I coulda told you that!

Sen. Barbara Boxer's debut novel has yet to be published, but it already has created a dark and stormy night for Republicans. They're mostly villains in "A Time to Run," a suspense tale penned by the California Democrat. The New York Times questioned Mrs. Boxer's portrayal of Republicans as "snakes" and Democrats as "saints" in the book- - -
In an interview with the Times on Sunday, however, Mrs. Boxer acknowledged writing the book "with a point of view," adding that as a party, the "Democrats have virtuous goals."
And what are those goals? To spread misery evenly? To bring those who are up, down instead of those who are down, up? To let murderers on death row walk free while murdering babies in the womb? Tell murdering terrorists 'It's okay, we had it coming' while attempting to put those who fight terrorism in prison? Now THAT’S some virtuous goals!!!
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