WARNING: Duct tape zone

A pair of teachers in Madison, WI started a project for their 3rd graders (get that? 3RD GRADE). The project calls for them to send out letters asking for the end of the war in Iraq, because we need peace.
Guess what, morons!! We are at war, to keep peace. If we don't take the War against Terrorism to them, they will bring it to us. How soon we forget September 11th, 2001.
Here's the letter sent home to the parents.
Dear Parents,
The Frank Allis third grade will be writing letters to encourage an end to the war in Iraq. The letter writing will teach civic responsibility, a social studies standard, while providing an authentic opportunity to improve composition skills and handwriting. Here is an outline of the project:
Letter 1 - To parents, outlining the project and requesting 10 postage stamps and 12 envelopes.
Letter 2 - To other students at our school, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 3 - To other third graders at schools within our district, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 4 - To other third graders within our county, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 5 - To other third graders within our state, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 6 - To third graders in other states, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 7 - To third graders in other countries, urging them to join our press for peace.
Letter 8 - To our state's senators in Washington, urging them to press for peace.
Letter 9 - To our state's representatives in the House, urging them to press for peace.
Letter 10 - To the president of the United States, urging him to press for peace.
Letter 11 - To the secretary of the United Nations, urging him to press for peace.
Letter 12 - To the media, telling them about our letters so far, and urging their audience to press for peace.
If the war has not ended by the 12th day, then we will start the whole sequence over again, writing to students in middle school, high school, and college. To paraphrase Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of interested individuals can change the world - indeed, they are the only ones who ever have."
Please send 10 postage stamps (or $3.60) and 12 envelopes to school with your child so that we can begin this important assignment. Thank you.
(If you would prefer that your child not participate in this assignment, please indicate that and an alternative assignment will be given.)
Thank you for your support. The third grade staff: (signatures)
School is a place of learning, not Politics.
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